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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another first!

Well, tonight we had another first with Jane. I thought we'd been through most of them, but I forgot a major one that every parent has to experience: pooping in the tub. I didn't think it would be appropriate to post a picture or even that anyone would want to see one, but at least now I can check that it off the "First Time Parent" list. Jane has been telling us lately when she needs to go potty, she just pats her little bum and goes (she still isn't potty trained, but I feel like this is step one). Tonight she did the same thing, but this time only right as she was doing her business. Ha ha, I have to say I'm glad that it wasn't my turn tonight to give her a bath!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm a crafter

These long Iowan winters have turned me into a crafty person. In the past week I made two center pieces (for my one table...?), reupholstered my dining room chairs, made Easter wristlets, and a couple other things that aren't cool enough to mention. And that has all been in just one week. Imagine how much I could have accomplished if I wasn't 24 weeks pregnant? As I'm writing this I realized that I don't have any pictures to post along with all the bragging I'm doing... Those will follow soon I hope ;)

On top of my new found love of crafts Jane has realized that she loves clothes, especially her Christmas pants and her swim suit. She doesn't like to wear them in the conventional fashion however, she loves to layer. When we get dressed in the morning she will hand me first her corduroy pants, then her bright red Christmas pants, and then on top of it all, her swim suit. I definitely think she has something going here. Maybe a future career in fashion??? We'll see :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

  I can't believe it has been a year since I updated my blog last! For those of you who have stuck with me here is what is going on in the Marler family.We only have a year left here in Davenport and then David will be done with school. He will officially be Dr. Marler! Jane is growing so fast! She is 16 months now and so smart. We have been working on sign language with her and she knows almost 20 words now, not including the ones she can say. I also think that she is getting close to potty training... Lets hope we can do it before baby #2 gets here! Oh, and I'm 20 weeks pregnant! We find out this week what we're having. We are super excited! I think Jane is going to love having a little brother or sister.
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